Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement of International Bon Ton Toys B.V. (“IBTT”)

This English translation is provided for convenience only. The original Dutch version prevails in the event of inconsistencies or conflicts between the Dutch version and this translation.

By using this website you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Personal data processing

By using our online shop, you leave certain data on our systems. These data may include personal data. We retain and use only the personal data directly provided by you for the purpose of performing the agreement you have concluded with us, or in respect of which it is clear that they are provided to be processed by us.

IBTT may process the following personal data for the following purposes:

  • Name, address, postcode, place of residence

When you place an order we need these data as we have to know who the recipient of the parcel is and where it must be delivered.

  • Telephone number

We need these data to be able to contact you if we have a question about your order or the delivery.

  • Email address

We need these data to be able to confirm your order, to keep you up to date on your order and the delivery, and to contact you in case of questions.

  • Invoice address

We need these data to be able to send the invoice to the correct address.

  • Payment details

We need these data to be able to refund the amount paid by you (in case the product is returned).

  • Your IP address

We need these data to be able to analyse how often our website is visited and to keep our website safe, secure and accessible.

  1. Your account

You can create an IBTT account. After your registration we will retain the personal data provided by you (with the exception of your password, of course). If you create an account, you do not need to enter your data every time you visit our online shop and you can easily contact us if you have questions about your orders. You may request us to change or erase your personal data at any time.

  1. Questions submitted via the contact form or by email

You can use the contact form of our online shop to contact us. We ask you to provide certain data, such as your email address and telephone number, to enable us to answer your question more efficiently. You may also contact us by email. We only use these data to answer your question. Once your question has been answered, your data will be erased.

  1. Disclosure to third parties

IBTT does not disclose your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary for the performance of an agreement with you or for compliance with a legal obligation. For example, we may provide your address details to PostNL to have your parcel delivered to you. If we give a third party access to your personal data, we do so only if we are absolutely certain that such third party uses the data exclusively in a manner and for a purpose similar to the purpose for which we obtained such data and only in accordance with this Privacy Statement and, of course, the requirements of the law (such as non-disclosure obligations and security measures).

  1. Newsletter and reviews

We produce a newsletter to share information about our products with anyone interested. Each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter. To check and improve the quality of our services we may invite you, as a customer, to write a review. You receive no more than one invitation per order.

  1. Retention period

IBTT will not retain your personal data any longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data are collected. After that, the personal data are erased unless we are under a statutory obligation to retain your data for a longer period (such as the statutory obligation to retain payment details for tax purposes for seven years). Your name and email address may be kept for email marketing purposes. You may unsubscribe from such emails by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email itself.

  1. Cookies

Our website uses cookies to enable us to collect general visitor information. In particular the IP address of your computer, your user name (if you have one), the time of access and the data sent by your browser may be registered and used for statistical analysis of visitor and click behaviour on the website. We also use cookies to optimise the functionality of the website. We try to anonymise those data as far as possible. Those data are not disclosed to third parties.

  1. Third party websites

This Privacy Statement does not apply to third party websites to which our online shop links, as we cannot guarantee that those third parties handle your personal data in a secure and careful manner. We therefore advise you to review the privacy statements of any third party websites before using them.

  1. Google Analytics

IBTT uses Google Analytics and Google Optimize to track the use of its website and the effectiveness of its Google Ads in Google search results. The information obtained, including the IP address of your computer, is transferred to and stored on Google servers in the United States. More information can be found in Google’s privacy policy and in the specific privacy policies for Google Analytics and Google Optimize.

Google uses this information to track how our website is used, to provide us with reports about the website and to inform its advertisers about the effectiveness of their campaigns. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is required to do so by law, or to the extent that those third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no control over this. IBTT has not given permission to Google to use the analytics information for other Google services.

IBTT also uses the analysis tools Zapier and Hotjar to analyse the behaviour of users of its website. The information obtained by Zapier and Hotjar is also transferred to and stored by those companies on their servers. IBTT refers to the websites of Zapier and Hotjar for more information about their privacy policies.

  1. Security and protection

IBTT has implemented reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect your personal data, including the following:

  1. A secure connection is used on the page where you provide your personal data.
  2. Passwords are always stored in a hashed format.
  3. A secure connection is used for emailing personal data.
  4. We take technical and organisational measures to prevent loss of data or unlawful processing of data (such as attacks).
  5. Antivirus software and the most recent security patches of all other important software, as issued by the suppliers of such software, are used to protect all personal data processing systems.

If you have the impression that your personal data are not properly secured or there are indications of abuse or misuse, or if you wish to receive more information about the security and protection of personal data collected by IBTT, please contact us.

  1. Right to object

You have the right to object to the use of your personal data, for example if you take the view that the use of your personal data is not necessary for the performance of the agreement or for compliance with a legal obligation. You can send your objection to, stating the reasons for your objection. IBTT will contact you within one month. Under applicable data protection legislation, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) about the processing of your personal data. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) for that purpose.

  1. Other rights

You also have the following rights:

  • the right of access to your personal data held by IBTT. This means that you may ask us to specify which of your personal data have been registered and for what purposes those data are used;
  • the right to rectification of your personal data if these are inaccurate. You also have the right to request IBTT to restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • the right to erasure of your personal data from our systems. We will comply with your request unless we have compelling or legitimate grounds for not erasing your data that override your privacy interests. If we have erased the data, there is a possibility that we are unable for technical reasons to immediately erase all copies of the data from our systems and backup systems;
  • the right to data portability, i.e. to have IBTT transfer your data to another party.

You can submit such requests, stating your reasons, by sending an email to

Any questions you may have about the way in which IBTT processes your personal data can also be sent to this email address.

  1. Updates to the Privacy Statement

IBTT reserves the right to update this Privacy Statement. The updated version will be published on this website. Any questions about this Privacy Statement can be emailed to